Schlagwort-Archive: Musik Interview Helge Sten

Constructing music as constructing a sculpture – 4 Questions to Helge Sten

Interview by Clara Bolin and Elena Brandenburg

We met the Norwegian composer/artist/sound engineer Helge Sten (*1971) due to a concert in Cologne where the Ensemble Musikfabrik played his Sow Your Gold In The White Foliated Earth. This piece was composed for Harry Partch instruments, which were invented by the American composer, instrument-builder and theorist Harry Partch (1901–1974). Partch developed a sound system consisting of 43 pitches in an octave and built some unique instruments in order to compose music using scales of unequal intervals in just intonation.

Sten has been active in the music scene since 1991, mostly under the name Deathprod, but he has also worked with various bands and collaborations, e.g. Motorpsycho (1992-1994) or Supersilent (since 1997). Working with electroacoustic instruments and tapes he was mainly focusing on electronics during all those different projects.
